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Our Datacenter

Datacenter facility specifications


Located in downtown Miami and outside of the 500-year flood plain, Miami-servers.com products are built for global connectivity. The facility is located at one of the largest internet exchange points in the world, facilitating excellent interconnectivity with Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe.

Power & Redundancy

Datacenter’s top-tier electrical and mechanical systems all utilize high-performance equipment that is continuously monitored and tested– our redundant infrastructure is the foundation of our always-on uptime assurance, and is guaranteed in our iron-clad SLA. Furthermore, Miami-servers.com provides complete oversight, management and monitoring of all N+1 environmental systems—employing 24/7 electronic detection, triggers, alerts and response.


Datacenter's facility is fully equipped with 24/7 onsite guards, key card access into the building & elevators as well as biometric data center access, combination cabinet access and cage access by key. CCTV digital cameras and recorders monitor and capture all activities in and around the building.

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